Hume Center Workshops
As part of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric and in collaboration with the Oral Communication Program (OCP) and the Stanford Storytelling Project (SSP), the Hume Center hosts a variety of workshops, events, and resources for the Stanford community. These offerings span a wide range of interests and needs, including academic, professional, personal, public, civic, and expressivist, reflecting our shared commitment to supporting effective, transformative communication in and beyond the classroom. At the request of faculty and instructors, the Hume Center and OCP offer writing and oral communication workshops tailored to course assignments and to students’ needs. The Hume Center also collaborates with campus offices, programs, and student organizations to support students’ passion projects and self-identified communication goals. The Storytelling Project and the Creative Writing Program co-host at Hume the weekly craft workshop, The Writer’s Studio. The Storytelling Project also provides mentoring at Hume through StoryLab and offers workshops for students, faculty, and staff on how to use story craft and practices to create personal and social change.
To learn more about our workshop offerings or to request a workshop for your class or group, please contact us. For writing workshops, please contact Hume Director Zandra Jordan ( To schedule an oral communication workshop please contact; to inquire about the Oral Communication Program’s range of workshops or to discuss details about a particular workshop, please contact Doree Allen at ( For storytelling workshops: please contact SSP Director Jonah Willihnganz ( Lists of frequently requested workshops are provided below.
Stanford graduate students and postdocs can self-enroll in a Hume Canvas site to access electronic materials from past workshops. Click here to self-enroll.
Oral Communication Workshops
5 Habits of Highly Effective Communicators
10 Tips for Breakthrough Presentations
The Academic Job Talk
The Art of Effective Speaking: Content, Design, and Delivery
Beyond Fear and Trembling: Managing Speech Anxiety
Creating Effective Multimedia Presentations
Designing your Conference Poster and Pitch
Digital Presentations: Tips for Audience Engagement
Effective Speaking in Academic Settings
The Elevator Pitch
The Fine Art of Feedback
General Speaking Skills
The Impostor Syndrome
Leading Out Loud
Persuasive Presentations
Presentation as Performance
Principles of Effective Slide Design
Putting You in Your Presentation: Body Language and Storytelling
Quick Tips for Presentation Survival and Success
Speaking Science: Engaging and Keeping an Audience
Speaking Tips for the Classroom
Stand Up and Stand Out: How to Present to a Broad Audience
The TED Commandments
Vocal Expressiveness and Delivery
Working with a Script