Cassie Wright
Cassie returns to the Program in Writing and Rhetoric in 2016 after holding an appointment as Assistant Professor of English and Writing Program Administrator at Southern New Hampshire University (2015-2016). She has been a Lecturer in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric since 2013. She holds a doctorate in rhetoric and composition from the University of Arizona and specializes in feminist rhetorics of sport and writing pedagogy.
In her recent PWR courses, "Rhetoric of Sport" (PWR1) and "Rhetoric of Sport-in-Development" (PWR2), Cassie asks students to analyze and engage the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, geography, and political economy in the multi-billion dollar sports-media complex and the growing nonprofit sport development sector, and to explore how media and grassroots communication of sports culture impact identity formation.
She is the author of the recent textbook Sport (2016). She also worked with Edward M. White to co-author the teaching guide Assigning, Responding, Evaluating 5th ed. (2016).
Her ongoing research project focuses on feminist rhetorical analysis of media communications and policy emerging from the international sport-in-development movement. She has also returned to a former research project in writing studies that focuses on the historical geopolitics of writing program administration.
Areas of specialization: writing studies, international policy, sociology
Genre expertise: literature reviews, personal statements
Enjoys coaching brainstorming, revision
PWR 1 Resource Guide (Credit: Phyllis Katen)
Office Hours
Friday 9:00am-12:00pm PACIFIC
Research Interests
SPECIALIZATION: Writing Program Administration; Assessment; and Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis and Rhetorical Studies