Lindsey Felt
Lindsey Dolich Felt is a postdoctoral teaching fellow in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford University. She received her PhD in English from Stanford University in 2015, and holds a BA from Haverford College. Before coming to Stanford, she worked as a journalist for ESPN the Magazine and ESPN.com.
Her research interests include contemporary American literature, media culture, science fiction, science and technology studies, and disability studies. She is currently researching how disabled bodies crucially shaped conceptions of electronic communication in the post-WWII era, and has written articles on female hackers in Cyberpunk fiction, and the little known history of the first cybernetic limb and its influence on communication engineering in the early Cold War era.
Her PWR course, "The New Normal: The Rhetoric of Disability" explores how advances in science, technology, medicine and culture have transformed our understanding of disability, normalcy, and health.
Areas of specialization: literature, science and technology studies, cultural studies
Genre expertise: research articles and dissertations, personal statements, cover letters, grant and fellowship applications, journalism
Enjoys coaching brainstorming, analysis, organization, revision
Office Hours
Tuesday and Thursday 2:00pm-3:30pm PACIFIC
Research Interests
SPECIALIZATION: 20th and 21st Century American Literature, Disability Studies, Media Culture, Science and Technology Studies, Graphic Narrative, Digital Humanities, Posthumanism.