Become a Graduate Writing Tutor
We welcome applications from grad students in all fields who love working with others on their writing.
Who are Graduate Writing Tutors?
Graduate writing tutors work with graduate and undergraduate students from across the disciplines on all kinds of writing projects.
What do Graduate Writing Tutors do?
Hume Center Graduate Writing Tutors work with all Stanford student writers. In one-to-one conferences, writing tutors help students get started on assignments; address and overcome writer's block; apply revision, editing, and proofreading strategies; and understand academic conventions in their fields. Approximately 20 advanced graduate students work alongside 25 undergraduate tutors and 35 Lecturers in the Hume Center and other locations across campus.
Requirements for being a Graduate Writing Tutor
All Stanford graduate students are invited to apply to become Hume Center graduate writing tutors. We are looking for applicants who are passionate about writing, interested in teaching, and excited to work with other students on their writing. Successful candidates are chosen on the strength of their application, recommendations, and an interview. Grad writing tutors work approximately four hours per week, with opportunities available to work more hours. Starting pay is $28.00 per hour. Successful applicants take a required tutor training course in Spring 2024 (Fridays, 9:30-11:20 a.m.).
Hourly limits for Graduate Students on RAships, TAships, or fellowships (as shown in Administrative Guide 10.2.2):
U.S. Students - Graduate students on 50% time assistantships (20 hours per week) may not be employed more than an additional 8 hours a week (all other jobs combined).
International students - Students on F-1 visas are limited to a total of 20 hours of employment on campus per week, including their assistantship appointment(s) during any quarter in which they are fully enrolled. Therefore, if an international student is working a 50% RAship or TAship, he or she is not eligible for any additional work hours. The exception is the Stanford Graduate Fellowship. International students working 50% (20 hours per week) on the Stanford Graduate Fellowship may work up to 8 additional hours per week (all other jobs combined).
For further information regarding regulations for international students, contact Bechtel International Center.
When to apply
Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year were due on Wednesday, February 7 @11:59pm PT. The deadline has passed.
How to apply
We accept applications once a year for grad writing tutors.
- Submit the application webform and resume.
- You will be asked to address your relevant experience and qualifications and why you would like to become a Hume Center writing tutor.
- Provide contact information for one reference who can speak to your capacities or potential as a teacher and/or tutor.
If you have questions about the position or the application process, please contact us: Director Zandra Jordan ( or Associate Director Tesla Schaeffer (