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Hume Center Graduate and Postdoc Workshops

The Hume Center continually offers a number of workshops on Writing and Oral Communication for graduate students and postdocs, with many recorded and their materials available. Many topics are covered, including "Writing Your Job Talk," "Writers Block and the Creative Process in Science," "Digital Presentations: Tips for Audience Engagement," just to name a few. Self-enroll on the Canvas page to see all the workshops and stay informed for new workshops to guarantee your spot!


BEAM (Bridging Education, Ambition, and Meaningful Work) assists graduate students with career concerns and job search strategies for both academic and non-academic careers including counseling appointments, workshops, and handouts.

For International Graduate Students

We are especially glad to help international graduate students whose first language is other than English. We also recommend the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes from the Language Center, which offers classes geared toward international graduate students looking to improve their English skills for both academic and professional settings.