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Honors Boot Camp

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Honors Writing at the Hume Center

The Hume Center for Writing and Speaking provides many resources to help you with your Honors project.

Honors Boot Camp Winter 2024 Schedule

Sundays from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. at the Hume Center
Weeks 3 – 8 (Jan. 19, 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23)
RSVP is encouraged but not required

Honors Boot Camp: Write-ins & Writing Tips

Want to make progress on your Honors thesis? Getting ready to submit a section to your readers? Honors Thesis Write-Ins at the Hume Center are a phenomenal way to give yourself time to focus on your thesis. Together with a small group of other thesis writers you will focus on moving your thesis project forward. We will have short breaks for conversation & caffeine, but most of our time will be focused on writing. In a micro lesson, learn the Hume Center’s top tips for developing a clear, compelling argument and then apply them to your writing during the session.

During the first 15 mins, we will present a brief writing lesson, after which we’ll pick up our coffees, dig into our writing, and spend time working quietly in community. Drop-in peer writing tutors are available in the Hume lounge to help with any questions you may have! Please RSVP here.

RSVP Here!

Materials for Productive Writing

A writing log promotes detailed record keeping and tracking of your daily writing accomplishments. Here is a writing log template you can use.

A daily planner helps you set realistic goals for each writing session. Here is a daily planner you can use.

Writing Consultations

Theses are difficult new genres for undergraduates because a thesis is usually the longest piece of sustained research writing they produce.  In addition to assisting students with traditional writing issues such as clarifying argument and thesis, framing research, improving transitions or providing revision strategies, our writing consultants also work with students on scheduling and planning, staying motivated, overcoming writer’s block, and assessing a writing schedule for the honors thesis. 

To find a consultant whose background and interests match yours, please review the biographies of lecturer and graduate student consultants. Students may arrange to make on-going weekly or bi-weekly appointments with a specific consultant. Talk with your chosen consultant about how to make this arrangement.

Consultations for Multimedia, Digital, or Oral Presentations

The Hume Center also offers Oral Communication or Digital Media consultations for students working on presentations or visual and multimedia projects related to the Honors thesis. Tutors will help you communicate more clearly and effectively in front of an audience or through the design and visual display of information on research posters or PowerPoint/Prezi.

Learn more about Digital Media Tutoring

Learn more about Oral Communication Tutoring

Writing Boot Camps

We offer two types of Honors Thesis Boot Camps:

  • A Department or Program-Specific Boot Camp is hosted for students from a single department/ program. Dates are set in consultation with the department and we ask for the department's help in recruiting students to attend,
  • An Open Boot Camp is offered to any Honors thesis writer. We schedule the date and advertise it to students via their Honors director or student services manager.

For more information or to schedule a Department/Program Specific Honors Boot Camps, please email


You can request a workshop or ask your faculty advisor to request one. Workshop topics include writing the Honors proposal, managing the Honors thesis, and learning to write in accordance with the conventions of a particular field. To request a workshop, write to us at

Other Resources

Go to our Student Resource Page to find handouts and materials of use for Honors thesis planning and writing.